I think it was called ‘Exercise Lion Heart,’ the name for a massive exercise that took place in Germany, which involved lots of countries. We were all waiting to go into the final battle, so it was radio silence for everyone. Then the battle began. I imagine that this exercise had taken a lot of planning, so I thought it was hilarious that somebody had jammed the airway on the final attack with the soundtrack from ‘War of the Worlds,’ priceless! All that could be heard on everyone’s radio for the entire final battle was, ‘THE CHANCES OF ANYTHING COMING FROM MARS WAS A MILLION TO ONE THEY SAID,’ complete and utter clusterf**k.
The Biggest British Army Exercise... And Why It Probably Always Will Be. This design is for those of you that were there, and for those that wish you were there. Enjoy... In 1984, more than 130,000 British soldiers all in Germany on one massive Cold War exercise ... what could go wrong?!It was known as Exercise Lionheart and was the biggest ever British Army exercise and biggest mobilisation since the Second World War. In fact, Exercise Lionheart involved a massive 131,565 UK personnel - regular, reserve and Territorial Army.
From the book The Unnamed soldiers by Clive Ward. www.clivewardauthor.com
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I loved Lionheart, a Panzer crew surrendered to our Scammel so they could go home lol