I have a dog called Pull Through, he’s a Staffordshire bull terrier. I was convinced he was a Civvy until one afternoon when I was sitting in my conservatory and observed him. After watching him for a while I have completely changed my mind. That dog is definitely infantry I said to the missus. I sat there in amazement when he dug shell scrape in the corner of the garden near my veggie patch on a forward slope on slightly higher ground. I couldn’t have picked a better place myself he had a brilliant field of vision and great overhead cam thanks to my cherry tree. Then he just sat there all day waiting, waiting for what? Even when it started to rain, and his shell scrape filled with water he soldiered on. He never moved an inch. Until I shouted ENDEX out of the window, then to my amazement, he started filling in his shell scrape leaving no trace the hole was ever there and bugged out.
But the biggest give away was the next evening. He was sitting under our garden security light like he was on sentry duty when, suddenly, the light activated. In an instant, Pull Through shot off, cleared the pond, negotiated the brats climbing frame, did a right flanking and jumped our six-foot wall into next door's garden with ease and cornered next door's cat. ‘OUTSTANDING.’ Poor pussy, it never stood a chance. Now, as I type away on my laptop Pull Through is sitting to attention in the front room watching the England football team in the world cup on TV, howling away along with the national anthem. It makes me so proud. Other tell-tale signs he’s Infantry, he keeps necking my unattended glass of Herforder’s when I nip off for a piss, then the other night he pissed in the wardrobe. At first light he wakes everyone up in the street for stand to with his barking. He’s also got his eye on the fat ugly Labrador bitch over the road. She’s a right minger. Yes, he’s definitely Infantry. ENDEX 2 uncut by Clive Ward Veteran. www.clivewardauthor.com
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