What would I give for another night on that rubber mattress right now? I sat down on a nearby bench and watched the people head home to their nice warm houses after a hard day’s work. To them, I was just another homeless person. I know, I’ll make them notice me, why don’t I throw a brick straight through this shop window or worse. I could end up doing a stretch in her majesty’s prison. At least in prison I’d be entitled to three meals a day, a shower every day, free healthcare and one of them miniature phones you shove up your arse. I had a mate who got sent down and he told me it was the closest thing to being back in the army. Most of the screws were ex forces anyway, who you could have good banter with, as long as you showed them respect. I wish I was in the US, I’d probably be looking at a full retirement plan. Life means life over there, unless you live in one of those death row states. If I was really clever, I could make out I was nuts, and live the rest of my days in luxury, wearing comfy slippers and get visits from Trevor McDonald and Louis Theroux. I could really do with someone to talk to right now.
Military veteran Andy Jones is feeling defeated, alone, exposed and vulnerable as he prepares for another night sleeping in a stinking urine-drenched doorway. But tonight he meets and befriends an old Tramp called Tom, who offers to help him to survive amongst the great unwashed by teaching him the art of Trampism. That’s when this dark, hilarious sometimes sad and powerful adventure begins. But all is not what it seems with an unbelievable twist that will leave you spellbound. "Welcome to the Mad House!" HOMELESS by Clive Ward, Veteran. www.clivewardauthor.com
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